ILIA (International Law in Advocacy) is a collaborative platform, developed organically by Human Rights House Foundation and Houses over the course of over a decade. The platform contains courses, workshops and lectures that address human rights challenges through education in international human rights law. A number of ILIA courses are certified by the European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Partners from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine have already led more than 200 lawyers and human rights defenders through education cycles on ILIA platform. In each case, they have drawn on the core of the education programme, while customising courses and modules or including a national tutor to suit their country or thematic priorities.

Strategically, this educational programme has been inspired by the need to ensure implementation of international human rights standards at the national level. It sees educating lawyers, defenders and others as a channel to bring international standards home – to ensure standards agreed internationally are implemented nationally, and that the language, understanding, and values of human rights find their way into court rooms and legislatures, and into the political culture.

ILIA takes a comprehensive approach to human rights education, offering an overview of the international human rights system as well as instruction on how to apply international standards at the national level. The framework for the curriculum is based on the principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, relevant human rights treaties, and the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education.

Some 90% of alumni continue to work with Human Rights Houses or other human rights organisations, while 97% report that they use the knowledge gained in ILIA in their professional activities.

ILIA continues to be a space for learners and alumni to engage and network across borders.

Апошняя зьмена: Нядзеля, 21 мая 2023, 12:29 ВЕЧАРА